Page 29 - Spear Corporation Catalog
P. 29

soleNoID valves

                                                                                                                         ChemiCal FeeD

          dIn ConneCTIon                                          haRdwIRe ConneCTIon
          asco solenoid - slow Closing With DiN Connection        asco solenoid - slow Closing With hardwire Connection

           Part No.               Description                      Part No.                Description

           SC8221G001 24/60       3/8", 24/60                      8221G001 24/60          3/8", 24/60
           SC8221G001 120/60      3/8", 120/60                     8221G001 120/60         3/8", 120/60
           SC8221G003 24/60       1/2", 24/60                      8221G003 24/60          1/2", 24/60
           SC8221G003 120/60      1/2", 120/60                     8221G003 120/60         1/2”, 120/60

           SC8221G005 24/60       3/4”, 24/60                      8221G005 24/60          3/4”, 24/60
           SC8221G005 120/60      3/4", 120/60                     8221G005 120/60         3/4”, 120/60
           SC8221G007 120/60      1", 120/60                       8221G007 24/60          1", 24/60
           SC8221G007 24/60       1", 24/60                        8221G007 120/60         1”, 120/60

          buRKeRT, 1/2”                                           RaInbIRd SoLenoId
          Burkert solenoid with DiN Connection

                                   Part No.    Description                                Part No.   Description
                                   273571      1/2", 120/60                               100PGA-B   1", 24/60

                                   322027      1/2", 24/60                                150PGA-B   1-1/2", 24/60
                                                                                          200PGA-B   2", 24/60

           dIn ConneCToR                                          weaTheRMaTIC SoLenoId

                                                                                     Part No.        Description
                                                                                     11024FCR-10D    1", 24/60
           Part No.          Description
                                                                                     11024FCR-15D    1-1/2",  24/60
           236034            DIN Connector without Cord
                                                                                     11024FCR-20D    2", 24/60
           OM550ZRB29NEMA    DIN Connector and Cord with
                             120V Grounded Plug

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