Page 48 - Demo
P. 48

                                    48 Pool Cleaning / MaintenanceCleaning / MaintenanceLeaf RakeR121230POOL BLOKPB-12Hand Skimmer NetR121196Pro leaf rake with 3/8 Inch aluminum anodized frame and rubber squeegee strip easily removes leaves and debris from bottom of pool.Pentair professional grade heavy-duty hand skimmer with 3/8 Inch aluminum anodized support and ABS frame stands up to tough wear.%u00a05-34%u201d x 2-3/4%u201d x 2-3/4%u201d Pool Blok Tile & Concrete CleanerHYDROSTATIC RELIEF VALVESP10561-1/2%u201d / 2%u201d Spring Loaded with O-Ring Included%u00a0POLE SPRING CLIPR22001ZFIBERGLASS POLESR191092POLE HANGERR221036Spring Clip For Cleaning PolesModel 145 / Pair8%u2019 to 16%u2019 Commercial Telescopic Cleaning PoleALUMINUM POLES12%u2019 to 23-1/2%u2019 Commercial Telescopic PoleR1910888%u2019 to 15-1/2%u2019 Two Piece Telescopic Cleaning PoleR191046Spear
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