Page 56 - Demo
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                                    56 Spear Corporation Kammac Spring Return Actuator and adapter kit for Asah BFV.Kammac Spring Return ActuatorPart No. FitsA PA-SR75-S12-3-4 3%u201d to 4%u201d BFVA PA-SR83-S12-6 6\A PA-SR105-S12-8 8\A PA-SR140-S12-10 10\A PA-SR140-S12-12 12\Pneumatic Actuator Double ActingPart No. SizePN-75-DA 3\PN-100-DA 6\PN-125-DA 10\Pneumatic Actuator Double Acting for Dominion ValvesValvesButterfly Valve AccessoriesSpearMarsh BelloframPressure TransducerPart No.961-111-000Marsh Bellofram current to pressure transducer for modulating, 4~20MA, 1/4%u201dNPT, 3 to 120PSIHand Wheel for Dominion Butterfly ValvesPart No. Size Fits1001-3561 6\2%u201d to 5%u201d BFV1000-5416 10.5\6%u201d to 12%u201d BFVDominion Gear OperatorPart No. Size1000-6095 2%u201d to 3%u201d1001-7875 4%u201d1000-7675 6%u201d to 8%u201d1001-6095 10%u201d to 12%u201dGear Operator Only for Dominion Valves Hardware 
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