Page 15 - Spear Corporation Catalog
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                                       The innovative Lamotte mobile WaterLink® Spin TouchTM photometer does all your pool and
                       3582            spa water testing for you wherever you need it! Each sealed reagent disk contains the precise
                       LaMoTTe MobILe   amount of reagent needed to run a complete series of tests in just 30 or 60 seconds. Simply fill
                       waTeRLInK SPIn   a reagent disk with a water sample, place it in the meter, tap “start”, and all your vital tests are
                       TouCh           done automatically. Comes complete with photometer, instruction manual, quick start guide,
                                       3-syringes, meter check disk, USB cord, USB wall adapter and upright waterproof carrying case
                       7001-NJ-01      with foam insert.
                       LaMoTTe PRo 250   Every PRO250 SERIES kit includes color-coded caps to prevent mixups, and diagrammed
                       SeRIeS          instructions make testing a breeze.

                                                                            Lamotte Pro
                                                                                       waterlink Spin
                  Product name            description       SKu- Part number  250 SeRIeS /            not in Kits
                                                                             7001-nJ-01                                  TesT KiTs / ReaGeNTs
                                                                                        Model 3582
            DPD 1A Free Chlorine            30 mL              P-6740-G         X
            DPD 1B Free Chlorine            30 mL              P-6741-G         X
            DPD 3 Total Chlorine            30 mL              P-6743-G         X
            Cyanuric Acid                  250 mL             WL-4856-K
            pH Indicator                    60 mL              P-7026-H         X
            Hard I                          60 mL              P-4259-H         X
            Hard Titrant                    60 mL              P-7031-H         X
            DPD Chlorine 1A                 60 mL              P-6740-H         X
            DPD Chlorine 1B                 60 mL              P-6741-H         X
            DPD Chlorine 3                  60 mL              P-6743-H         X
            Alk Titrant                     60 mL              P-6111-H         X
            pH for Color Q Kit              30 mL              7037-G                                    X
            Alkalinity for Color Q          30 mL              7038-G                                    X
            Calcium Hardness 1 for Color    30 mL              7042-G                                    X
            Calcium Hardness 2 for Color    30 mL              7041-G                                    X
            pH Indicator                    60 mL             WL-7027-H
            Alk Titrant                     60 mL             WL-4493-H
            Hardness Titrant                50 mL             WL-4487-H
            Base Reagent                    60 mL             WL-6460-H
            Iron 1 Reagent                  60 mL             WL-4450-H
            pH Indicator                    25 mL              P-7026-G         X
            Base Demand                     30 mL              P-6460-G         X
            Alk Indicator                   30 mL              P-7028-G         X
            Hard 2 Indicator                30 mL              P-7030-G         X
            Acid Demand                     30 mL              P-6068-G         X
            Hardness 1                      15 mL             WL-4259-E
            Acid Demand                     15 mL              P-6068-E         X
            MPS Out                         15 mL               6910-E                                   X
            Iron 2 Powder                  10 GM              WL-4451-D
            Copper Tablets                  (100)             WL-3808-J
            Alk 1 Tablets                   (100)             WL-T-2311-J
            Hardness 2 Tablets              (100)             WL-T-5250-J
            Colorimeter Tubes          Set of 6 with caps       0967-6
            Water sample bottle             2 oz                0688
            Test tube                       5 mL                0644
            Test tube                      5.2 mL               0645
            Syringe                         5 mL                0807
            Direct Reading Titrator    Syringe, 0-500 range     0383
            Direct Reading Titrator    Syringe, 0-200 range     0382
            4329-H Disk              Single Use Ten Parameter  50 disks                    X
            4334-H Disk             Three Use Three Parameter  50 disks                    X
            1768 Waterlink DataMate Software  V.10.0 - See minimum software required

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