Page 9 - Spear Corporation Catalog
P. 9

cleaNer / DeFoamer / pHospHaTe remover / clarIFIer

                                    TC00                          NCF3                     PhosFree is a cost
                                    TLC CLeaneR                   PhoSFRee                 effective way to convert
                                                                                           soluable phosphates to
                                   1 Quart                        3 Liter                  insoluable lanthanum
                                                                                           phosphates that can
                                    In liquid form TLC clean-                              then be removed by
                                    er is formulated to re-                                filtration then allowing
                                    move oil, grime and min-                               normal sanitizer levels
                                    eral scale from common                                 to prevent algae growth.
                                    swimming pool surfaces                                 Add product directly to
                                    such as tile, vinyl and                                skimmer.
                                    concrete.                                                                            ChemiCals


                                    9019-1                        CPR - ConCenTRaTed PhoSPhaTe ReMoVeR
                                    PuLSaR aCId                   1 Gallon                  Crystalizes
                                    CLeaneR 50                                              orthophosphates in the
                                   1 Quart                                                  water to drop them out
                                                                                            for removal by filtration
                                    In liquid form Pulsar Acid                              and backwash. Initial
                                    Cleaner 50 is a powerful                                dose without visible
                                    lactic acid scale remover                               algae.
                                    and used regularly pre-
                                    vents build-up of residue
                                    & scale. Does not contain
                                    muriatic acid so is much
                                    safer to use.

                                   1 Quart

                                    In liquid form this anti-
                                    foam agent works
                                    effectively at cutting
                                    down foam and
                                    preventing foam build-up
                                    in spas.

                                   1 Gallon
                                                                  9007                      30497
                                    In liquid form this anti-     CLaRIFIeR                 CLaIRIFIeR PRo
                                    foam agent works              1 Quart                   5 Gallon
                                    effectively at cutting
                                    down foam and                 A liquid organic polymer to polish the water, helping
                                    preventing foam build-up      filter remove suspended particles that cause dull,
                                    in spas.                      cloudy water.

                                                                                800.642.6640 | info@spear
                                                                                800.642.6640 |  9
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