Bryce Jones
Bryce Jones has been employed in the field of aquatics since 1999. He has been instructing the CPO Class since 2011. His goal and approach to this course is to educate participants and give them a better understanding of the operator’s role in swimming pool care and management. While at Spear , Bryce has consulted […]

Sam Blake
Sam Blake has been employed in the field of aquatics since 1995. He has been instructing the CPO Class since 2005. While at Spear , Sam has specialized in the design and construction of chemical systems, filtration systems and pool design. Sam’s experience in the Aquatic Industry include consulting on the following facility designs; 2012 […]

Brian Spear
Brian Spear has been employed in the field of aquatics since 1990. He has been instructing the CPO Course since 2005. Brian started at Spear as a Service Technician and then later served in the position of Project Manager, while specializing in mechanical room renovations and new construction. Brian is currently serving as President […]