Page 4 - Spear Corporation Catalog
P. 4

saNITIzers / sTaBIlIzer

                                    PuLSaR PLuS dRy
                                    bRIqueTTeS                                               Ch50
                                    50# Pail                                                 PuLSaR GRanuLaR
                                                                                             50# Pail
                                    65% calcium hypochlorite.
                                    For use in Pulsar®Feeders                                Pulsar chlorinating
                                    and are certified to NSF/                                granules - 68% calcium
                                    ANSI Standard 50. While NSF                              hypochlorite for multiple
                                    certification is voluntary, over                         pool & spa uses - cya-
     ChemiCals                      chemical feeders to be                                   nuric acid free.
                                    30 states require aquatic
                                    certified or otherwise comply
                                    with the requirements of
                                    Standard 50.

                                    Ps25                                                    Pi25
                                    PuLSaR PoweR                                            PuLSaR InFInITy
                                    ShoCK                                                   TabLeTS
                                    25# Pail                                                 25# Pail
                                    The most powerful shock                                 65% Available chlorine
                                    treatment available - Pulsar                            calcium hypochlorite.
                                    Power Shock 78% calcium                                 Non-Stabilized to use in
                                    hypochlorite granules                                   Pulsar Infinity Feeders
                                    activate in seconds to                                  And are certified to NSF/
                                    shock your pool and spa                                 ANSI standard 50.

                                                                                            LIquId ChLoRIne
                                    9004-50                                                 bLeaCh
                                    bRoMIne                                                 1 Gallon
                                    50# Pail                                                Sodium Hypochlorite
                                                                                            12%  Liquid Chlorine -
                                    Bromine 1” tablets have                                 Kills Bacteria - Controls
                                    96% active bromine with                                 Algae - Destroys Organic
                                    a ph of 4. Alternative to                               Contaminants - Shocks
                                    chlorine sanitizers for                                 for Chloramine Removal.
                                    pool & spa feeders.                                     NSF option and
                                                                                            additional sizes

                                                                  PuLSaR SunSCReen STabILIzeR
                                                                  40# Pail

                                                                  Pulsar Sun Screen 20 is a high grade granular stabiliz-
                                                                  er used with sanitizer providing ultra violet protection
                                                                  for outdoor pools, protects available chlorine from UV
                                                                  degradation & reduces chlorine required during sunny
                                                                  conditions. Maintaining a level of 20 ppm of Pulsar
                                                                  Sun Screen 20 stabilizer will be most effective in mini-
                                                                  mizing chlorine usage but this is a case where more is
                                                                  not better.

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