Page 7 - Spear Corporation Catalog
P. 7

FIlTer meDIa

                                    hl25                                                  Fs50
                                    haRboRLITe                                            MySTIC whITe II
                                   25# Bag                                               50# Bag
                                    This naturally occurring,                             Mystic White II is the
                                    environmental friendly,                               premium filter sand. The
                                    easy to handle Perlite                                high quality, angular shape
                                    filter media facilitates                              of Mystic White II sand
                                    impressive water clarity                              maximizes the entrapment
                                    by removing particle size                             of solids. It filters out dirt,
                                    down to 4.0 microns                                   dust, leaves, insects, small   ChemiCals
                                    while at the same time                                stones, moss, oil, cosmetics,
                                    absorbing oil from the                                and other debris while
                                    water.                                                minimizing packing, balling,
                                                                                          and channeling in the filter

                                    Ce25                                                  VFa2550
                                    CeLaPeRL                                              VITRoCLean GLaSS
                                   25# Bag                                               50# Bag
                                    This naturally occurring,                             Vitroclean lasts 50%
                                    environmental friendly, easy                          longer than typical
                                    to handle Perlite filter media                        silica sand and it does
                                    facilitates impressive water                          not clump or channel.
                                    clarity by removing particle                          Vitroclean can be
                                    size down to 4.0 microns                              installed in any standard
                                    while at the same time                                sand media filter without
                                    absorbing oil from the water.                         the hazard of crystalline
                                                                                          silica dust.

                                    De50                                                aCTIVaTed FILTeR
                                    dIaToMaTIouS eaRTh
                                   50# Bag                                              MedIa
                                    Filter powder for vacuum                            10005
                                    and pressure type DE                                AFMng 55# Bag Grade 1
                                                                                        AFMng 55# Bag Grade 2

                                    FG50                                                AFM 55# Bag Grade 3
                                    FILTeR GRaVeL
                                   50# Bag                          Activated Filter Media is a direct replacement for
                                    Filter gravel used as           sand, with 300 X more active surface area. It resists
                                                                    biofouling, biocoagulation and transient wormhole
                                    support media.Gravel            channeling of unfiltered water and never needs to be
                                    size 1/8” x 1/4”                recharged or replaced

                                                                                800.642.6640 |
                                                                                800.642.6640 | info@spear  7
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